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HeadLAMP for heads of Chennai Corporation Schools!

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  • Tuesday, October 8, 2013
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    Tucked away at the School of Ancient Wisdom (far from the maddening crowd, as one of the participants quipped), 20 school principals of the Chennai Corporation participated in a five day residential training programme which was conducted by The Teacher Foundation from 16 to 20 September 2013.


    HeadLAMP (Heads Leadership and Management Programme) kindled the minds of the school heads as they engaged with critical aspects of leadership such as vision and values of leader, instructional leadership and the development of coaching and mentoring in schools. “Chennai Corporation constantly strives to provide quality Education to its students. One aspect of quality is ‘Schools that are driven with a sense of purpose and clearly defined Vision.’ HeadLAMP training to Heads of Chennai Corporation Schools would equip them with the requisite set of skills to realise their Vision. Thanks to the team from Teacher Foundation for making this possible.” said Mr. T N Venkatesh IAS, Joint Commissioner (Education), Chennai Corporation.


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    The school heads also had an opportunity to visit Vidya Niketan School and and Christel House and interact with the teachers, students and principals of the two institutions. They observed classes and shared ideas on best practices and challenges faced. The evenings were spent with impromptu song sessions, movie shows and two sessions laughter yoga, which as the participants learned was no laughing matter but in reality had some significant therapeutic benefits.


    “I am 100% satisfied with the workshops. My knowledge about school management improved, and I know where I stand and what are the important things I have to do myself as a school head because of HeadLAMP” said a participant after the 5 day training. “I assure you that I will go back to my school and work on changing it based on what I have learned from the workshops.” said another participant.










    As the course came to an end on Day 5, participants received their certificates and took the pledge to be committed educators and to strive to seize the moment every day of their life!


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