Here’s a SCOOPFULL of what we have done!!!!
Measuring students learning levels in all 5 grades: Educational Initiatives conducted the first round of base-line tests in all the 5 schools to measure student learning levels. EI has submitted the analysis for 4 schools.
Research and Evaluation
The TTF Research Team comprising Meera Gopichandran and Ruchi Ghose have spent 5-6 complete days in each school as part of the initial data collection for our Action Research work. This was to gather baseline data for administering TTF’s School Improvement Framework. They observed the teaching learning process in class rooms; conducted interviews with teachers, parents, students and management. And have gathered relevant documentary evidence available.
The data collection, transcriptions of interviews and collation have been completed for 5 + 1 Control School. The preliminary analysis of data corresponding to each school including the control school is in the process of being completed. The team is analyzing the data in order to present individual reports to each school in the format provided by School Improvement Framework.
Orientation for School Heads
Orientation: TTF conducted an orientation for the heads of schools chosen for intervention for their pilot project, – Turning Schools Around- on 21st February at Ashraya International. It began with the welcome and screening of ‘T for Teachers’ – a film on TTF. The design of intervention and the scope of the programme for this project was presented. The heads were enthusiastic and offered their whole hearted support to TTF and their own teaching staff. This support from the heads towards the project was a welcome sign to move forward which paved way for a highly interactive session. The heads came out with a lot realistic ideas to support the plan. Their fears and inhibitions took a back seat.
Thinking Heads!!
Orientation for Teachers of the five Intervention Schools
TTF oriented 60 teachers of the five intervention schools on 28th, February2009 at Aashirvad. It began a little after noon with teachers registering and the welcome by TTF. The ice breaker activity got the participant mingle with teachers of the other schools present.
![get going!](
get going!
1st Phase of Teacher Training
The first phase of training for teachers was conducted on the 16th, 17th and 18th of April,2009. The modules covered during this initial phase of training were ‘Vision and Team Building’, ‘ Teachers’ Personal Development’ and ‘ Getting Familiar with the TSA Work Plan’.
Enerrrrgised - ooooooohh aaahhhhhh!!!
Remedial Teaching
Brindavan Educational Trust will be involved in Remedial Teaching in all 5 intervention schools. . Brindavan Coordinators have done the preliminary visits to Intervention schools to understand their needs. They have interviewed students from grade 1-5 and examined sample note books and test papers.
Based on their visit & understanding, their approach for TSA has been detailed as follows:
- The TTF staff intervening with the schools will have a series of awareness sessions. This would be an 8 sessions workshop of which 3 have already been conducted in the first week of April 2009.
- The first session on 1st April,2009 was conducted by Jayashree A. Rajanahally. The objectives of these workshops were to create an awareness of Learning Difficulties and the importance of early intervention. She highlighted the fact that difficulties could be of various types and need to be tackled individually. She spoke about the causes of the learning difficulties and the personalised remedies that the child would need. The second session was on April 6th and the third on April 8th,2009.This was conducted by Reena Silva, on the difficulties the child faces in Oral Language and Reading.
- The awareness would be helpful to the members, when they work with students and teachers of the intervention schools. The bottom one-third learners of these schools will be tracked and Brindavan Education Trust will be giving remedial classes. TTF will observe and support them in the first year and in turn enable teachers to conduct the remedial classes for meaningful learning.
- Children showing signs of Learning Disabilities will be assessed by Brindavan and Remediation measures will be suggested by them .
Hope it’s left a taste!:-) we will continue the cooking & get back to you with the varieties we have tried!!!!
Posted by Padma Murthy, Project Head, TTF Bangalore