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Bringing Joy to Classrooms

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  • Saturday, November 12, 2011
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    Turning to the role of arts in the classroom, Professor Asha Singh from Lady Irwin College in New Delhi highlighted the importance of embracing arts as the basis of classroom joy. Setting the background, Dr. Singh explained only recently CBSE incorporated the arts in the school curriculum.


    Theatre, one of many aspects of the arts, is an interactive and expressive experience that allows children to connect with their own realities and learn about other cultures. It is through the arts that “children learn to think, make meaning and nurture their curiosity.” However, as with any teaching strategy, teachers much plan and create intentional experiences for their students. Dr. Singh explained that the methods should be relevant to the individual students' needs. Ultimately, arts are a valuable resource because they empower teacher and link the social reality of students to the school space. Perhaps one of the most powerful roles of arts in schools is that of building bridges for cultural confidence and helping students and teachers develop a sincere regard among themselves.

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